16″ x 16″ x 2″ White/Kraft B-Flute Corrugated Pizza Box with Stock Print

16″ x 16″ x 2″ White/Kraft B-Flute Corrugated Pizza Box with Stock Print

Made of at least 66% recycled, B-flute cardboard, this high-quality 16″ x 16″ x 2″ white corrugated pizza box prevents grease and moisture from seeping through, making it perfect for packaging freshly-made pizzas, calzones, and strombolis. While its 1/8″ thickness provides sufficient insulation to keep orders hot and ready for customers, the two tabs extending from the bottom of the box also elevate it to reduce condensation on countertops. Plus, it features a convenient ingredient check list on the side, enabling you to mark each pizza’s toppings for fast order identification at your pizza parlor, Italian restaurant, or convenience store. The box also has a decorative print design with “PIZZA” across the middle in big block letters.

SKU: B9191415 Categories: ,


50 Units/Bundle


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